To say that Sameer was surprised would be an understatement. Once he had absorbed the fact that Naina was really standing before him, he had started grinning like an idiot.… Read More
“Oh saheb, joine chaalo” (Oh sir, watch where you are going); the sharply spoken Gujarati command broke into his thoughts and Sameer looked up to find that he had been… Read More
The sound of the train whistle echoed in the compartment as a cold-drink vendor hollered at the top of his voice and clinked the bottle opener against the bucket full… Read More
The bedroom was filled with utter chaos as the girls dressed up excitedly, light banter ensued over earrings and bracelets, and Swati’s mother stood at the door fondly smiling at… Read More
The thunder clapped, and lighting flashed, indicating that the rain was not going to stop anytime soon. From the time Sameer had pulled her inside the car, her heart soared… Read More
The rains lashed outside, a heavy curtain, accompanied with the occasional thunder. The classroom was filled with chattering students, while JBR wrote down the rules of accounting for the students… Read More
About Me
A journey with words that started in March 2018 has been flourishing with different explorations, and this brings me to the world of blogging.Read More