Something heavy draped over her body, making her feel uncomfortable. She grumbled and tried to adjust her position, but the object seemed to be clutching onto her. Irritated at the… Read More
Finally! As they were speeding towards the new “Krishna Kaustubhi” bungalow in a white car decorated with flowers and a “Just Married” cardboard cutout, Sameer had a small smile on… Read More
Golden rays of the morning streamed inside through the sheer white drapes, flooding the sprawling bedroom with its light, the discarded shimmery pink top bright against the creamy tiles. Naina… Read More
Rain drops pattered hard on the window, thunder rumbled, the lightning flashes were not so prominently seen because of the bright lit kitchen light. The aroma of ginger and spices… Read More
The gleaming morning sun shone on Naina’s face, and she turned over nuzzling against a warm bare chest, trying to continue sleeping. However after few minutes she could hear the… Read More
Naina… The spoken name hung in the air of Vortex Club, resonating in the mind of two people in such a way that every sound of music and conversations faded… Read More