The evening was beautiful with a gentle cool breeze rustling the leaves of the trees in Rajshri Park, the marigolds nodded as if in approval of the weather. She watched them enchanted by the striking contrast of yellow blooms against dark green leaves. The sound of mischievous laughter caught…
The morning was still early, and the cabin was silent except for the rusting sound of papers, as two men pored over files. Sameer had never thought that he would be pulling in more than 12 hours of shift without any major production contract. This time the reason for…
The night felt too quiet, or maybe it was because she hadn’t stayed up so late since a long time now. Preeti turned over in her sleep trying to find a more comfortable position, tugging at the blanket. Naina covered up her sister properly, then got up, feeling the…
The serenity of the afternoon was punctuated by the repeated clickety-clacks, as the woman dressed in baby-pink salwar-kameez, sat cross-legged on the chair, her eyes on the journal, and fingers moving swiftly over the typewriter keys. She hardly paid attention when the door opened, and wouldn’t have paid any…
The weather was colder than last year. Winter was settling in, creeping up as slowly as a snail, but as surely as the winning tortoise. The tubelight flickered onn, eliminating the shadows, Sameer shivered slightly as he stepped into the cold room. He stretched his arms, the kurta shifting…
The sun was preparing itself to chase the darkness, but the night still had dominance. Beside the road, few men were huddled over a crude bonfire created out of twigs and newspaper. The quarter moon struggled to maintain its hold over the sky and resolutely showered its last light…