Sameer Maheshwari had woken up at his usual time, but for the first time in his life he didn’t get up from the bed immediately. There was no urgent need, there wasn’t any work, there was no irritation. If anything there was just pure happiness and satisfaction because his…
The sun rose from the distant horizon, a gleaming red ring piercing the thick cloud cover. Birds flew across the sky, desperate to catch early morning worms, or gather sprigs to build their nest. Flowers bloomed, their petals covered with dew, the green leaves glistening. Sameer threw off the…
“Naina hum college me hai”, he murmured only to be pulled down again by her. The corridors seemed to be steaming up, and he was trying his best not to do anything more than kissing her. Finally, when it seemed that she wouldn’t leave him, he pulled back and…
Her hand moved over his chest, soothing and arousing, her lips hot against his. He captured her moan in his mouth, as his hand moved beneath her skirt, fingers stroking her calf. Suddenly he lost her lips, but before he could grunt in displeasure, he felt them on his…
Cold air swept her hair as the auto sped on the road, crossing the Rajshri park and turning onto a signal. It was still early enough that not many people were out on the road, and many shop owners were sweeping or washing the roads in-front of their shops.…
The orange and blue salwar-kameez gleamed in the sunlight as she stood on the balcony combing her long tresses. The streets below were crawling with people owing to some vegetable vendor selling off his wares at discounted rates. A couple of cows roamed around hoping to get some tidbits.…