About Me
A journey with words that started in March 2018 has been flourishing with different explorations, and this brings me to the world of blogging.Read More
Recent Posts
The rains lashed outside, a heavy curtain, accompanied with the occasional thunder. The classroom was filled with chattering students, while JBR wrote down the rules of accounting for the students to copy. Naina was busy in her notes, when she felt a big warm hand grip her left hand,…
Heavy sheets of rain blew across the window and the boy standing behind the glass pane kept looking at it gloomily. Two weeks, two whole weeks had passed since their college had started and he was shattering inside, yet no one could hear the sound of the broken pieces.…
The air was filled with vibrancy and music drifted from every shop. Roadside stalls in Law Garden and other shopping areas were filled with colourful outfits and glittering jewellery. Excitement vibrated in the atmosphere. The small city of Ahmedabad was preparing itself for the soon upcoming festival of Navratri.…
The early morning sunshine gleamed on the green lawns, birds twittered in elation as if celebrating the day, and a boy enthusiastically whistled along. The nearby roses gave off a whiff of sweet fragrance, attracting a large bumblebee, and a few sparrows hopped around warily, retreating immediately when water…
We Want Romance Period, Love and Dance Period We Want Romance Period, Love and Dance Period Maana Ke College Me Padhana Chahiye Likhana Chahiye, Padhana Chahiye Romance Kaa Bhi Ek Lecture Hona Chahiye Jo Ho Romance Period, Love and Dance Period Jo Ho Romance Period, Love and Dance Period…
The darkness consumed the surroundings, the trees only black shapes on the side, the long stretch of road looming empty. Soulless, just like the person ambling slowly, as if he was exhausted. Sameer Maheshwari walked aimlessly, kicking a cold-drink bottle, which clattered on the concrete and rolled to the…