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The speeding car cut through the traffic, the man driving excited to the core, whistling merrily. The woman next to him sat with her eyes closed and rested her head on the back of the seat, a tired expression on her face. Outside the late afternoon was slowly spinning…
The rays of the late afternoon sunshine lent an orange hue to the balcony, and the girl standing on the balcony lifted her face upwards as if trying to absorb the warmth. Behind her, the open door gave a glimpse of the room, and scattered things on the floor.…
I am different. Yes you are. The lines kept playing in a loop in both Sameer and Naina’s head, each wondering what they had meant by this conversation. How was he different for her? Why did she accept that he was different? Did that mean it was okay for…
The sky turned to a pinkish hue, early morning golden sunlight filtering through the white fluffy clouds which were dotted by few colorful kites. Somewhere a distant music system boomed with Ashiqui songs, loud enough for Naina to hear it as soon as she woke up. She rubbed her…
The melodic tunes of Pehla Nasha kept reverberating in two hearts for quite a few days as both Sameer and Naina kept on trying to decipher the range of emotions they had experienced that day. Naina kept thinking about the way he had looked while playing guitar, she had…
Naina and Sameer kept up the tradition to play pranks on each other, often trying to find out more and more information about each other which they could use in pranks. Naina found out on which bench Sameer sat, and fixed a toy inside the bag compartment of his…
About Me
A journey with words that started in March 2018 has been flourishing with different explorations, and this brings me to the world of blogging.Read More